Many people think that MSG is a substance that is very dangerous for the body, especially if consumed by babies and children.
However, this statement is actually not completely true!
WHO itself has recommended to the public that MSG is safe for consumption, if not more than 6 grams per day. Meanwhile, the average Indonesian only consumes 0.65 grams of MSG per day. This proves that the consumption of MSG in Indonesians is very small when compared to the maximum limit of the WHO, which is 6 grams per day.
Even more surprising, it turns out that the MSG content is also found in breast milk (breast milk) which turns out to be useful for stimulating the baby.
Knowing this, you should no longer need to be afraid of the bad effects that will be caused when your family consumes MSG in safe amounts.
Micin or MSG (monosodium glutamate) is a food additive used to enhance taste. MSG is derived from the amino acid glutamate which is one of the most abundant amino acids found in nature.
Glutamic acid is a non-essential amino acid, meaning that the body can produce its own.
Breast milk also usually contains natural glutamate. The average glutamate in breast milk is 22 mg per 113 ml of breast milk. In addition, the level of MSG in breast milk is only slightly affected by the mother's consumption of foods containing MSG.
The American Academy of Pediatrics considers MSG to be quite safe to consume during breastfeeding, as long as it is not consumed in excess. In other words, you can consume adequate amounts of MSG.